Books for the Multifaceted Being

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AI for Small Business Book Series

Money Making Sparks and Chat Your Way To Startup Success

Goodliving Publishing is proud to present our latest series, AI for Small Business. This series of two books is designed to help small business owners unlock the power of artificial intelligence and use it to their advantage. With this series, you'll learn how to use AI to save time, increase efficiency, and maximize profits.

What readers say:

  • Game-changer for aspiring entrepreneurs!

    In a rapidly changing business landscape, "Chat Your Way to Startup Success" equips entrepreneurs with the tools they need to stay ahead. Whether you're launching a new venture or seeking to revamp your existing business strategies, this book is a must-read. It's an inspiring and practical guide that opens up exciting possibilities for startups in the age of AI.

    Highly recommended for anyone looking to harness the potential of AI-powered marketing and business strategies. This book truly delivers on its promise of AI-powered magic for startups.

  • Nice inside look at technology and how it effects business

    I think there are practical uses of AI that can be really helpful in day to day life and this book helped me see that more clearly. I appreciated the help this provided!

  • Tons of valuable info to use right away!

    I've been using ChatGPT and thought I was pretty good at it, but this book showed me that I still had a lot to learn. If you are starting a business, you MUST get this book. But if you already have a business, you SHOULD get this book. I'm telling you, it will save you SO much time. I know it's saving me time and coming up with better ideas than I would ever come up with on my own.

Limited-time complimentary workbook: Get the perfect companion for your Money-Making Sparks book, now included in bundle.

  • Kickstart your money-making journey by exploring your interests and passions.

  • Organize your ideas to create solid business concepts.

  • Validate your business ideas and its market potential.

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